210. The Power of Placebo: Overcoming disease Through Mindset Medicine with Dr. Josh Axe

Date Aired: July 28, 2023 // Guest: Dr. Josh Axe

Episode Description:

Join host Dr. Josh Axe in this empowering episode of the Ancient Health Podcast, where he explores the incredible influence of the mind on overcoming disease and living a vibrant, healthy life. Discover the profound impact of your beliefs about your potential to heal, as Dr. Axe delves into the groundbreaking work of Dr. Beecher and “The Placebo Effect.” Gain insights into the difference between the placebo effect and the nocebo effect, and learn how toxic and limiting beliefs can hinder your wellness journey. Dr. Axe shares practical strategies and case studies, highlighting the efficacy of placebo practices and providing valuable tools to implement the power of mindset for positive health outcomes. Unleash the potential of your mind to transform your well-being and live the healthiest version of your life.

Topics Discussed:

  • Dr. Beecher and “The Placebo Effect”
  • The difference between the nocebo effect and placebo effect
  • Toxic and limiting beliefs
  • 3 Things to do to implement the power of mindset and placebo
  • Case studies and examples of the efficacy of placebo practices

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More About The Guest

Dr. Josh Axe
Dr. Josh Axe DNM, DC, CNS, is a certified doctor of natural medicine, doctor of chiropractic, clinical nutritionist, and founder of one of the largest natural health websites in the world, draxe.com. He is the bestselling author of Eat Dirt and Ancient Remedies, the co-founder of Ancient Nutrition, and the founder of Leaders.com.
The Health Institute

The Health Institute was founded by Dr. Josh Axe to teach the ancient principles of health to the modern world. Our mission is to empower every individual to transform their mind and body through time-tested practices and protocols that have helped people heal for thousands of years.