Date Aired: June 16, 2023 // Guest: Dr. Chris Motley
Episode Description:
In this episode, Doctor Motley discusses histamine and its role in our immune health. He teaches us how the liver is a critical component of our ability to break down histamine in the body and discusses the different root causes of allergy symptoms.
Other topics discussed on this episode are:
- Emotions associated with the liver- anger and frustration
- Neurofeedback
- EFT tapping
- Symptoms of MCAS
- Genes to examine
- Foods that contain high histamine
Supplements suggested:
- Liver/ gallbladder supportive herbs
- Schisandra berry
- Chinese Coptus (goldenthread)
- Vidanga
- Neem
- Milk Thistle
Herbs to help with chronic allergies:
- Camu Camu
- Morinda
- Reishi
- Cordyceps
Nutrients to consider for liver support:
- B1
- B2
- B6
- B12
- Magnesium
- Zinc
- Molybdenum
- Iodine
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