How Stress Affects Mineral Levels

Stress can deplete minerals and drive metabolic dysfunction in the body. Regardless of the type or shape of stress, stress in and of itself increases the burn rate of minerals. What we now know is that our mineral intake has been significantly reduced due to mono-cropping and poor farming practices. Add to that the influence of so many environmental stressors and we have a recipe for metabolic chaos.

What’s important to realize is that the mineral sytem is a dynamic system that is closely tied to the endrocrine system, glucose regulation and the nervous system. If we live in patterns of stress with poor nutrient intake we run a high risk of not have the right “spark plugs” to initiate hundreds of chemical reactions in the body.

Here are three tips to help you manage stress and balance minerals needed for a healthy stress response.

  1. Decrease your PUFA’s: Polyunsaturated fats have been touted as heart healthy fats from nuts and seeds. While these fatty acids can have potential health benfits, they are often consumed in high quantites and are sensitive to oxidative damage (creating free radicals.) High consumption of PUFA’s can also drive down thyroid production leaving you with less energy and resiliency to stress. If you are following a paleo or grain free diet, be sure to check your intake of PUFA’s. They often creep into many healthy food swaps like nut flour breads, nut based milks, cheese and yogurts, and even crackers. Write down your meals for 1-2 days and see how many nuts and seeds are showing up. You might be surprised how many are actually in your diet!
  2. Incorporate a high quality salt into your meals. Salt is necessary for life, it has been demonized for years but your adrenals LOVE and need salt to have a healthy hormone response to stress. Try adding a pinch of sea salt to your morning glass of filtered water before consuing anything else. The higher the stress the more you burn through salt and its trace minerals. Add a high quality vitamin C to increase your hydration
  3. Don’t exercise fasted or push fasting! Think of this as fuel to the fire of stress. Fasting and exercise are great tools to build resiliency but they can make someone that is already stressed and running on fumes even more susceptible to breakdown. Slow down, focus on managing your stress load and be smart and strategic with your exercise and fasting.

The adrenal-mineral link is often missed but it’s incredibly important in regulating so many physical responses. Many symptoms are a result of shortages of the right materials, fuel your body with adequate nutrients and focus on reducing stress and engaging your para sympathetic nervous tone.

Courtney Bursich

Courtney Bursich is an AADP Board Certified Health Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. She has an obsession with knowing the body and finding the best ways to beat disease and live our best lives. After having her two daughters, she found herself burned out and tired of the modern-day approach to healthcare and the limiting mindset of “diet” culture.

She began a personal quest to learn and help educate as many people as possible to improve the lives of those around her. In 2017 Courtney started a health coaching business to help individuals discover their best health potential.