136. How Parasites, Mold, & Chemical Toxins can lead to Stealth Infections with Dr. Jaban Moore

Date Aired: July 26, 2022

Hosts & Guests: Courtney Bursich + Dr. Motley + Dr. Jaban Moore

Episode Description:

Dr. Jaban Moore is a DC located in Kansas City, MO who works virtually with clients all around the world. At age 25, he went from being an award-winning top athlete in college to feeling like he couldn’t even get out of bed. He later was diagnosed with Lyme disease and dedicates his practice to helping clients get to the root cause of their chronic illness. Dr. Moore specializes in Lyme disease and co-infections, PANS/PANDAS, autism, heavy metals, parasites, gut health, mitochondrial support, and other viruses and pathogens.

In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Jaban Moore to discuss what parasites are and where they come from, who is most susceptible to getting them, how chemical toxins play a role in pathogen infections, and how mold can be connected to chronic gut infections!

More About The Guests

Dr. Jaban Moore

Dr. Jaban Moore is a DC located in Kansas City, MO who works virtually with clients all around the world. At age 25, he went from being an award-winning top athlete in college to feeling like he couldn’t even get out of bed. He went to a lot of appointments looking for answers, spent what felt like endless amounts of money on tests and appointments, but doctors only wanted to give him bandaids. He later was diagnosed with Lyme disease and dedicates his practice to helping clients get to the root cause of their chronic illness. Dr. Moore specializes in Lyme disease and co-infections, PANS/PANDAS, autism, heavy metals, parasites, gut health, mitochondrial support, and other viruses and pathogens. For more information, visit his site, where you can gain access to education, live videos, and free programs. You'll find a free parasite quiz and so much more!
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The Health Institute

The Health Institute was founded by Dr. Josh Axe to teach the ancient principles of health to the modern world. Our mission is to empower every individual to transform their mind and body through time-tested practices and protocols that have helped people heal for thousands of years.