111: Oral Health Through the Lens of a Biological Dentist with Dr. Kelly Blodgett

Date Aired: February 01, 2022

Hosts & Guests: Dr. Chris Motley + Courtney Bursich + Dr. Kelly Blodgett

Episode Description:

In this episode, Dr. Kelly Blodgett discusses with hosts Courtney & Dr. Motley what it truly means to view the teeth as a living part of the body and how our oral health can give us signs that there are other imbalances in the body that need to be addressed!

More About The Guests

Dr. Kelly J. Blodgett
Dr. Kelly J. Blodgett, a General Dentist who is board certified in Naturopathic Medical Dentistry and Integrative Biological Dental Medicine, is one of the most unique dentists in the world. At the age of 21, just prior to earning his bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Oregon, he felt called by God to become a dentist.  The specific calling he heard was to “reverse the negative stereotype of dentistry.”  Since becoming a licensed dentist in 1999, he has positively impacted hundreds of thousands of people worldwide through the care that he provides in his clinic and through his social media post series “Toxic Tuesday” and “Wellness Wednesday.”  Courtney Bursich

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The Health Institute was founded by Dr. Josh Axe to teach the ancient principles of health to the modern world. Our mission is to empower every individual to transform their mind and body through time-tested practices and protocols that have helped people heal for thousands of years.